Advertise With Us
Available Ad Space
- 300×250 – (Medium Rectangle, right of content & below content)
- 728×90 – (Leaderboard, below header and menu)
- 160×600 – (Wide Skyscraper, right sidebar)
Link Exchange
A lot of you email me requesting link exchanges. Below is how I select links for my Blogroll (Hot Links) section:
- Your website/blog contains unique content that I post on my blog
- I regularly visit your website/blog
- I link to a post from your website/blog
Music Submissions
Submission Fee: available upon request
- All Submissions will be featured on /Facebook/ Twitter/Instagram
- Once payment is made via paypal we will email confirmation and links to provided email within 24-48 hours.
- Please be sure to have music ready for blog upload I.e soundcloud/ audiomack (embed code) and or YouTube.
- Lastly please include a small bio if available and images (500 x500 sizing) for blog post. (Paypal email)